How to create, edit, clone and archive/unarchive a Supplier Questionnaire

Supplier Questionnaires in oboloo are essential for gathering detailed and standardized information from suppliers during a sourcing activity. These questionnaires allow you to collect structured responses on various topics, such as compliance, technical qualifications, and project experience. Each question uses a free text format, enabling suppliers to provide written answers.

This user guide offers a comprehensive, step-by-step approach to creating, editing, and managing supplier questionnaires. It covers how to build a new questionnaire, including adding categories, assigning weighted scores to prioritize responses, and formulating questions. Additionally, it explains how to clone existing questionnaires, make edits, and archive or unarchive questionnaires. The weighted scoring ensures the most critical aspects of a supplier's response are prioritized during evaluation.

This guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of creating and managing a supplier questionnaire in oboloo.

Visual Guide - Step-by-Step Guide: Creating and managing a Supplier Questionnaire

Text Guide - Step-by-Step Guide: Creating and managing a Supplier Questionnaire

This guide will help you create, edit, and manage supplier questionnaires for your sourcing activities. Follow these steps to build structured questionnaires for supplier evaluations.

Step 1: Access the Supplier Questionnaire Section

  • Click on Sourcing from the left-hand menu to access the sourcing dashboard.
  • Click on Supplier Questionnaires to view the questionnaire management page.

Step 2: Create a New Supplier Questionnaire

  • Click on the 'Create New Supplier Questionnaire' button located above the main table.

Step 3: Title Your Questionnaire

  • Provide a title that clearly identifies the subject of the questionnaire. This helps both your organization and the suppliers understand its purpose.

Step 4: Create a Category/Area

  • Create your first category/area for the questionnaire, which serves as a section or topic for organizing your questions.

Step 5: Assign a Weighted Score to the Category/Area

  • Assign a weighted score to each category between 0-100%. These weights will prioritize categories based on importance during scoring.Note: The weighted scores are used for internal evaluation and are not visible to suppliers.

Step 6: Add Questions

  • Under each category/area, add your first question for suppliers to answer by clicking 'Add Question'.
  • Add additional questions under the same category by clicking 'Add Another Question'.

Step 7: Add Multiple Categories/Areas

  • If needed, click the 'Add New Category/Area' button to create additional sections within the questionnaire.

Step 8: Remove Categories/Areas

  • To remove a category/area, click the delete icon next to the category.Note: All questions under the deleted category will also be removed.

Step 9: Remove Questions

  • To delete a specific question, click the delete icon next to the question.

Step 10: Save Your Questionnaire

  • Ensure the total weighted scores across all categories add up to 100%.
  • Click 'Save' to finalize and create your new questionnaire.

Step 11: Viewing and Editing a Supplier Questionnaire

  • To view or edit a questionnaire, expand the 'Actions' menu next to the questionnaire in the main table and click 'View'.

Step 12: Editing Permissions

  • Only the original creator of the questionnaire can make edits. If you want to modify a questionnaire created by someone else, you can clone it and make changes to the cloned version.

Step 13: Cloning a Supplier Questionnaire

  • To clone an existing questionnaire, expand the 'Actions' menu and click 'Clone'. A copy of the questionnaire will be created, which you can edit as needed.

Step 14: Save Your New Questionnaire

  • After making edits to the cloned questionnaire, click 'Save' to create the new version. You will become the owner of this questionnaire, and others won’t be able to edit it unless they clone it.

Step 15: Archiving a Supplier Questionnaire

  • To archive a questionnaire, expand the 'Actions' menu and click 'Archive'.
  • Click 'Yes' to confirm the archiving. Archived questionnaires are not deleted and can be accessed or unarchived later.

Step 16: Unarchiving a Supplier Questionnaire

  • To unarchive a questionnaire, change the view of the main table by selecting 'Archived' from the Archived Status dropdown.
  • Expand the 'Actions' menu and click 'Unarchive'. Confirm your action by clicking 'Yes'.

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Overview of Supplier Questionnaires